Fwd: [SFBC New Cavers] June Members’ Meeting (6/23) at 7:30 PM PST meeting ONLINE

This month’s SFBC Members’ Meeting will take place online tomorrow on Tuesday June 23 at 7:30 PM PST. The meeting will be held online through Zoom. Please use the meeting link below.
This month’s presentation, beginning at 7:40 PM, will be:
*Canyoneering and Caving*
Canyoneering! It’s the sport of descending drainages. I’ll give an overview of the sport and groups involved, discuss the similarities and differences between it and caving, show some techniques, and note how to learn more.
Presented by our own Carly Robison
The meeting will be held online through zoom. Here are the Zoom instructions: sjsu.zoom.us/j/93420877267?pwd=UUFHclR3aE1qNnJ6WndNbXJ3eGViQT09 Password: 658605
We’re also going to try something new for our post-meeting hangout. We’ll be going to Spatial Chat:
Use the following link to enter your space as well as inviting your friends: spatial.chat/s/SFBCpostmeeting <u15680805.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=fkNx49oS-2B-2BGByESre0bxk6NEmiLzOnctTrb-2FENx1fj7TShBAATaeuUKL-2Bs-2F9OXoO-E39_5yBq9nootkdIptDjlRfx4vSzhFC-2BSa13PvwfEJ0Ky1Z0opkuF1P0Z-2FFtEJJFM9c3QykF80lv77V…>
I look forward to seeing you all there!