Happy New Year everyone!
I hope everyone had a pleasant break and enjoyed the holidays as much as I did. Let’s start the New Year with our annual Trip Planning meeting at the Beach Residence starting at 6 PM on Tuesday (1/16).
Everyone is welcome. Bring along your trip ideas, big or small or just come along ready to be inspired for caving. This year we will have sandwiches and some wine and beer will also be provided. You’re welcome to bring something to contribute if you like.
When Tue Jan 16, 6pm – 8:30pm (trip planning from 7pm)
Where Residence of Gale and Ray Beach
A bit of homework for the folks!
1) Please list all the caves you are interested in going to in California (or abroad!). This is your chance to speak up on caves you wish to explore, conserve, map, survey, sleep in, you name it! – Write on paper and bring to meeting.
2) Let us know at the meeting whether or not you’re willing to lead trips along with which trip/cave you’d like to lead. We’re in need of some cavers to lead awesome cave trips! Don’t know if you’re sufficiently experienced? No problem, we’ll work with you on that.
Thanks and I look forward to having a fun and productive meeting!
Sincerely your Chair,
Rafael Langer-Osuna